Evidence of the value provided by AERO™ film-based paint appliques is shown by the loyalty of our returning customers. It also defines one of the most gratifying sentiments for us as a business. AERO™ Advanced Paint Technology repeat customers who have gained a competitive edge through the ultra-durable, lightweight paint system, return when acquiring new street cars, race cars, and transporters.
Internet technology pioneer and well-known car enthusiast Benjamin Sloss wanted a fresh look for his Ferrari 458 Challenge EVO, but also was looking for a technology differentiator—something that would give his car a boost in aesthetic value and performance. AERO™ Advanced Paint Technology was a natural fit for his requirements, and the result was a stunning Cobalt Blue AERO™ Liquid Metal™ on Speed Yellow livery.
After running his Ferrari 458 Challenge car over the last year, Sloss and his wife, Christine, decided to purchase another 458 Challenge EVO for her to drive as well. With so much success on the first livery, Mr. and Mrs. Sloss decided to reverse the Cobalt Blue and Speed Yellow livery for their second Challenge car. The result was superb, and will help keep the car and its great look fresh and protected from the elements.
AERO™ Advanced Paint Technology was developed initially for applications in aerospace, specifically for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The goal was to create a lightweight, durable, film-based paint system. By engineering these performance standards into AERO™ Advanced Paint Technology, we were able to create an easy-to-install paint film with better aesthetic value than spray applied paint, which will also add significant durability and protection without the cost of weight. And the result is transitioned to customers like the Slosses, who can utilize this great looking paint product while gaining a competitive advantage.
Ben and Christine Sloss both now run AERO™ Advanced Paint Technology on their respective Ferrari 458 Challenge EVOs. As car enthusiasts, internet technology wizard, Ben Sloss, and his esteemed “Race Wife,” will be showing off their environmentally sustainable, advanced paint liveries while shaving off time from their laps on the track.
Be sure to follow the Slosses on Instagram via @yonly65 and @because_race_wife.